From: carine van der heyde <>
Subject: Chugchanga poll 1998
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 23:10:13 +0100


A limited and JIT submission to the yearly Chug list:
the compilation of it revealed me
how little I listened to 1998 Chug-music
(due to various reasons off topic here)
and how restricted this listening has been
to a couple of home-favourite artists / labels  ...
but anyway, these I felt deserved my vote:

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy _Blue Lotus Feet_ CD-EP (Drag City/Domino)
Will Oldham _Black/Rich Music_ CD-EP (Drag City/Domino)
Gastr Del Sol _Camoufleur_ CD (Drag City/Domino)
Sonic Youth _A thousand leaves_ CD (Geffen)
John Zorn _The Circle Maker: Issachar/Zevulun_ 2CD (Tzadik)
David Grubbs _The Thicket_ CD (Drag City/Domino)

and besides these
and many hours of old Coltrane (whether or not in box-format),
I was most overwhelmed by the Anthology of American Folk Music,
that -finally- reached my CD-player around December 98 --- 
and -as always- the following months will be spent checking
out those Chug-poll-nominees yet unknown to us ....

Thanks for compiling this !

Filip François
Gent, Belgium

Doug Orleans <>
Last modified: Sat Mar 20 17:01:59 EST 1999