From: Oakiedog <Oakiedog AT>
Subject: top 20
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 04:53:20 EST

Dear Dougo,
I realize that my top ten list is biased, so throw it out if you think it is
too much so (for it is the reason I have stopped doing top 10 lists)
Also, I am out of town and might not get some of the titles correct:

1.OK Computer-Radiohead
2. Smile From the Streets You Hold-John Fruciante
3. Zaireeka-Flaming Lips
4. Boatsmans' Call-Nick Cave
5. Gospel Morning-Chamber Strings
6. Forgive Thee-Cheaterslicks
7. TIme Out Of Mind-Bob Dylan
8. Live (old stuff)-Suicide
9. New Demos-Mudhoney
10. The New One (Forgot the Title)-Nikki Sudden
11. Crock of Gold-Shane McGowan
12. Mirador-Tarnation
13. Forever Alien-Spectrum (totally underrated record)
14. Portishead-Portishead
15. Homogenesis(forgot exact title)-Bjork
16. Everything Keiji Haino did last year
17. Knights of the Baskerville-Thee Headcoats
18. Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating On Space-Spiritualized
19. Ralph Sounds-Ralph Carney
20. Live (forgot title)-Marduk

I really love the music I work with, so you really can't blame me for
including it.
 I left something out, but I cannot think of it right now.
As usual, the MC5's High Time and the Heartbreakers LAMF get top spin awards
in the cataloge colum as well as Bob Marley's Exodus and all of the ska
reissues (as well as the Special's new demo) and Jethro Tull.
Single of the year is either Fiona Apple's Criminal or The Blues Explosion's 2
Kinds of Love .  
Keep Rockin'
David Katznelson

Doug Orleans <dougo AT>
Last modified: Sun Dec 27 23:35:28 EST 1998