From: James Fix <fix AT>
Subject: POLL: 1996
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 12:07:38 -0800 (PST)

Hi Doug,

Once again, thanks for doing this!  Since I only bought about 30 things 
this year, I'll give 10:

1. palace - arise therefore - drag city
2. gastr del sol - upgrade & afterlife - drag city
3. strapping fieldhands - wattle & daub - shangri-la
4. jessamine - long arm of coincidence - kranky
5. dirty three - horse stories - touch & go
6. olivia tremor control - music from (...) dusk at cubist castle - flydaddy
7. tortoise - millions now living will never die - thrill jockey
8. cat power - what would the community think - matador
9. bedhead - beheaded - trance
10. moroccan reveries - eat the dream - tinder productions
    (this is the "maybe nobody else will have this on their list" entry)

-jim fix