From: schnores AT (Aaron F. Schnore)
Subject: Top 20
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 22:22:03 EST

My top 20 (no order)

1. Guided by Voices _Under the Bushes, Under the Stars_, Matador
2. Guided by Voices _Sunfish Holy Breakfast_ EP, Matador
3. Robert Pollard _Not in My Airforce_, Matador
4. Tobin Sprout, _Carnival Boy_, Matador
5. Hotel X, _Ladders_, SST
6. Red, Hot, and Rio (comp.)
7. Babe the blue OX, _People_, RCA
8. Flaming Lips, _Clouds Taste Metallic_, Warner Bros.
9. Labradford, _Labradford_, Kranky
10. Polvo, _Exploded Drawing_, Touch & Go
11. Guided by Voices, _Plantations of Pale Pink_, Matador
12. Beck, _Odelay_, DGC
13. Friendly, _Friendly_, Eerie Materials
14. Lounge Ax Benefit (comp.), Touch & Go (??)
15. Bio Ritmo, _Que Siga la Musica_, Shameless
16. Mao Tse Helen 7", Shameless
17. Poster Children, _Junior Citizen_, Warner Bros.
18. Jesus Lizard, _Shot_, Capitol
19. Tonics and Twisted Chasers, _Say it with Angel Dust_, Rockathon Records
20. The Falsies, _Can I Lick Your Spoon? Only if it's Dirty_, no label